Tenant/Renter Information

Are you a renter in one of Harris County’s Post Disaster Relocation and Buyout Program areas?

If so, you may be entitled to thousands of dollars in rental assistance and relocation benefits to help you resettle in a flood-safe area.

Harris County is conducting a mandatory buyout program in seven repetitively flooding areas of the county. If you are in one of these areas, the County has notified your landlord that the property will be purchased and has provided him/her with information about the program and the financial assistance the County has available to help tenants relocate.


While it may be unsettling to know you will need to move, you will be given a minimum of 90 days’ written notice by Harris County..

If you live in a mobile home park and own your mobile home, Harris County will pay reasonable costs to move your trailer, or pay you salvage costs and provide a housing replacement payment if it can’t be moved.

It is important that you immediately contact a Harris County Relocation Specialist at 832-927-4961 to determine the amount of rental assistance and relocation benefits you are eligible to receive.


If you are undocumented or living in a mixed status household, you can still receive relocation money through Harris County’s SAFE Program. In the meantime, the following information can help you to learn more about your rights and prepare for your move.

If you have questions, please contact our Call Center at 832-927-4961 or email RebuildHarris@csd.hctx.net.